Corporate Giving Policy

Corporate giving requests are divided into three categories.

A. Advertising- can be through traditional channels or less traditional channels, i.e.) Rozon Insurance Brokers Limited logo on the boards within various arenas, advertising within a brochure for an arts event;

B. Sponsorship- sponsorship of teams or events could be considered; and,

C. Donations- monetary or gift-in-kind donations for events or services within the community;

Many requests often encompass more than one category of corporate giving. All requests must be accompanied by a ‘Corporate Giving Request Application”. Additional information may be supplied with the request.


Due to the volume of requests received each year Rozon Insurance Brokers Limited will give priority to requests that meet the following criteria:

1. Requests submitted to by individuals or the organization making the request;

2. Requests made a minimum of two (2) months in advance of need (More time will be required for larger requests).

3. Requests that benefit the community rather than benefitting solely one individual, team, or organization;

4. Net benefit to our organization as it relates to growing the business i.e.: client retention, thanking patrons, prospective new clients are part of the consideration;

5. Preference to causes that impact someone within our organization or which they are involved in;

6. Causes that are near and dear to the hearts of staff and owners of Rozon Insurance Brokers Limited will be given priority (i.e., community-based programs that benefit SDG&A).


Once requests have been received, they will go to Rozon Insurance Brokers Limited’s Executive Management Team for consideration and approval.